Lay Ministry

“Liturgy” is a word derived from the Greek words “laos” (people) and “ourgia” (work). It literally means: “the work of the people.” At St. Peter’s this is profoundly true. Parishioners are active participants in worship in the following ways:

alter server assisting at church


Acolytes are adults and young people who serve as crucifers, torchbearers, book bearers, and servers for Sunday church services at our Lakewood, Ohio church. Individuals are scheduled to serve approximately once per month.

lector reading scripture at church to the parish


Lectors are the ones who read the Scripture passages at all services throughout the year and lead the Prayers of the People for the church and the world around us.

chalice bearers at church

Chalice Bearers

Chalice Bearers assist the clergy by serving the wine during the administration of Holy Communion and are trained and licensed by the bishop at the recommendation of the rector.

lay eucharistic minister handing out Eucharist

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained by the clergy and licensed by the bishop to carry Holy Communion to the hospitalized and homebound immediately following worship.

church usher handing out booklets


Ushers offer the first welcome to people coming to worship. They distribute leaflets, provide helpful direction, collect alms, and straighten up afterward. Ushers serve on teams that are assigned for a month of Sundays twice per year.

church greeter greeting people before they enter the church


Greeters welcome visitors to St. Peter’s. Each Sunday a team of greeters is assigned to welcome guests. They distribute information and answer questions about the parish and the Episcopal Church.

flower bouquet at church


Members of the congregation provide flowers each week to the Glory of God and in memory of those who have died. Following worship, Sunday flowers are delivered to the hospitalized and homebound.

chancel guild st peters episcopal church lakewood

Chancel Guild

Chancel Guild members prepare the sanctuary for worship. They care for vestments, hangings, and items used in worship. Guild members are grouped into teams. Each team is on for two weeks and off for six.

For more information on any of these ministries, please contact the church office.