Welcoming individuals into Christ’s ministry and the fellowship of the Church is our greatest joy and baptism is how we do it!
Baptism is the Sacrament through which individuals embrace a life-long covenant relationship with Jesus Christ, in the fellowship of the Christian Church. A person who desires baptism publicly declares their faith in the Triune God and promises to be part of Christ’s work of restoring and healing God’s creation.
The ideal is for individuals, even as young children, to speak and act for themselves in baptism. The Episcopal Church DOES NOT expect that baptism happen as soon as possible after birth. We believe that God loves each and every human being just as much before baptism as after. Therefore, believer baptism is the ideal circumstance. Individuals who seek baptism and who can speak for themselves should contact the Rector. The Rector and candidate will together plan a course of baptismal preparation.
To inquire further about Holy Baptism, please contact the church office at office@www.stpeterslakewood.org.
Infants/Young Children Baptism
Many people seek baptism for their infants or young children. The Church is delighted to honor this impulse when we are assured that the parents/guardians and other sponsors (god-parents) are living lives that embody the baptismal covenant. Parents/guardians and god-parents promise to be part of, and to raise their child in, the fellowship of a Christian congregation.
To discuss preparing for an infant baptism, please contact the parish Rector. Parents/guardians who are not currently active members* of the Saint Peter’s community are asked to write a letter to the Rector explaining why they desire to have their child baptized, what baptism means to them, and how they will live out the promises they make in the liturgy. Upon receipt of this letter, the Rector will contact the parents/guardians to schedule the preparation process and the date of the liturgy.
Public Worship Services
ALL baptisms at Saint Peter’s take place during the public worship services of the congregation. Ideally, baptisms take place on the major baptismal festival days: The Baptism of Jesus (January), Easter (March/April), Pentecost (May/June), or All Saints (November). If necessary, we will schedule baptisms on the first Sunday of the month in the Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost seasons. In unusual situations, we will schedule baptisms at other times. We do not schedule baptisms in Advent or Lent. Baptisms are only done apart from Sundays under exceptional circumstances at the sole discretion of the Rector.
To begin the process of preparing for baptism, please contact the church office.
*An “active member” is a person who satisfies all these criteria: 1)was baptized or confirmed at St. Peter’s, or whose membership has been transferred from another parish; 2) has attended services of Holy Communion at least three times in the past year; 3) is a financial supporter of the parish.