Everyone’s patience with the Rector Search Process is much appreciated. You have eagerly participated in three Parish-wide discernment meetings and helped the Search Committee confirm the following priorities for our Rector Search–calling a Rector who:

1) serves as the central figure in pastoral care, communication, and welcoming new members;

2) recognizes the importance of liturgy to the life of the Parish, with an emphasis on a strong music program; and

3) leads efforts in outreach and service to the community and wider world; and

4) is committed to a vibrant youth ministry. Taking these priorities, the Rector Search Committee prayerfully prepared a Parish Profile (which can be viewed on the website), provided responses to several difficult questions about the life of St. Peter’s posed by the Office of Transition Ministry, and provided input from the Vestry about the current demographics and finances of St. Peter’s.
With all of that completed and approved by the Diocese, the Rector Search Committee is pleased to announce that the search process has now moved to the next active phase of taking candidate names. The Profile and reports will be disseminated nationwide and Percy Grant, the Cannon for Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, will profile St. Peter’s later this month at the national Transitions Network Conference. Candidate names will be accepted through October 13 and extended if necessary.
The Search Committee has turned its attention to the next step of preparing for the anticipated candidate interviews by further developing presentation of recruitment information (who we are), drafting outlines of important questions (who are you?) and practicing mock interviews. As this next step is required to be confidential, not much further information can be shared in the upcoming weeks. Please understand the need for confidentiality in the transition process for any candidate. Also, please pray for the Search Committee as it moves into this next important phase of the search process.
We hope you feel the excitement building as we anticipate our next communication from the Rector Search Committee and Vestry will be of utmost significance!
Dan Gourash and Sara Ferry Co-Chairs, Rector Search Committee

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On Sundays, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The early service is simple, quiet, and contemplative. At the later service, we add choral and organ music. The 10 a.m. service is also livestreamed our Youtube Channel.

For more information about our services, and to read the Sunday Bulletin, please click here: