Based upon the mandates of Governor DeWine and the State Health Department, Bishop Hollingsworth has issued guidance to all priests of the Diocese in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. He has given permission, but not required, that parishes and priests may suspend worship and any other activities, especially those with 100+ participants, for up to three weeks. In addition, the Bishop has mandated that communion only be shared in the species of bread. For the time being, only the priest will consume the consecrated wine.

At this time, there are only three confirmed cases of the virus in Cuyahoga County. It is therefore my call that we will function normally, as far as is possible within the parameters set above.

How we will proceed at St. Peter’s for the coming week:

All normal scheduled worship activities and meetings will take place.
Michelle will be contacting Sunday School families separately to poll them about how they wish to proceed on Sunday morning.
Evensong will take place on Sunday night
Normal office hours will be observed.
Vestry meeting will take place on Monday night
Bowling Club is suspended until further notice.
Wednesday Eucharist will take place, but not Bible Study
Lorna Jordan will be polling members re: St. Cecelia meeting on Wednesday.
I will make the call about 3/26-4/2 activities next Wednesday and send another e-mail.

Critical Precautions:
If you are even a little sick, don’t come to church.
If you have been in proximity of someone who has been sick, don’t come to church.
Vigorously wash your hands in warm water and soap. Sing the ABC song as you do it, that’s the right amount of time.
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your shirtsleeve. Never reuse a tissue or handkerchief. Wash hands after sneezing or coughing.
If you are age 75 or above, or if you have a chronic health condition, you’re probably wise to stay home.

Search St. Peter's:

On Sundays, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The early service is simple, quiet, and contemplative. At the later service, we add choral and organ music. The 10 a.m. service is also livestreamed our Youtube Channel.

For more information about our services, and to read the Sunday Bulletin, please click here: