Our Mission

Working together, we at St. Peter’s seek and serve Christ while striving for justice and peace among all people. Our ministry reaches out to others in the local, national, and world communities through the following:

  • The congregation shares our physical location in Lakewood, Ohio with St. Peter’s Child Care Center, Inc. The Center has provided secure, nurturing care for children from local families in the Greater Cleveland area for more than 40 years. To learn more, please contact Executive Director Courtney Nerad. Contact: spcc18001@att.net
  • The monthly Community Meal program.  As part of the wider community meal program in Lakewood, we provide a free, hot, nutritious meal to all-comers on the second Tuesday evening of each month.   We also often distribute food, toiletries, and sundries.
  • Monthly Outreach Partners.  Each month, we designate a local, national, or international ministry as our “Outreach Focus.”   Usually, one or more of our parishioners are already involved with each ministry.  We educate ourselves about what the ministry does, distribute its literature, and invite a representative to speak to the congregation.  During the month, ALL loose cash and coin placed in the alms basins is contributed directly to the Outreach Partner.
  • We are covenant partners with The Lakewood Community Services Center, which provides food, clothing, housing, and other critical services for those in need.
  • We make our building available to all manner of community groups and activities.
  • We enthusiastically support the mission work of the Diocese of Ohio, the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund, and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
  • The St. Peter’s Youth have been participating in Mission Trips to Brothers’ Keeper and Hosanna Industries for the past several years.  The youth and their partners have provided a variety of home repairs to various individuals in need.

Community Meal

For more than 30 years, St. Peter’s has hosted a free hot meal on the second Tuesday of the month.  We are part of a loose network of churches and religious organizations that offer hot meals throughout Lakewood and western Cleveland.   Folks can find a community meal nearly every day of the month.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to come in and dine.

St. Peter’s serves an average of 90 guests each month.  Menus are planned to include fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible.  Several times through the year, we have giveaway bags for guests to take home.  These are filled with groceries or toiletries.

The loose plate offering funds the Community Meal one month during the year. This is the bulk of our budget.  Through the year, occasional monetary donations are received.  The Community Meal is also fortunate to receive several in-kind donations such as coffee, desserts, and milk.

The community meal is run entirely by parish volunteers. There are opportunities to…

  • Prepare a dessert and bring to the meal
  • Shop for groceries/supplies
  • Set tables before the meal
  • Cook the meal (no experience needed)
  • Serve the meal
  • Clean-up after the meal

Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the back of the church two weeks prior to the meal.

Community Meal

For more than 30 years, St. Peter’s has hosted a free hot meal on the second Tuesday of the month.  We are part of a loose network of churches and religious organizations that offer hot meals throughout Lakewood and western Cleveland.   Folks can find a community meal nearly every day of the month.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to come in and dine.

St. Peter’s serves an average of 90 guests each month.  Menus are planned to include fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible.  Several times through the year, we have giveaway bags for guests to take home.  These are filled with groceries or toiletries.

The loose plate offering funds the Community Meal one month during the year. This is the bulk of our budget.  Through the year, occasional monetary donations are received.  The Community Meal is also fortunate to receive several in-kind donations such as coffee, desserts, and milk.

The community meal is run entirely by parish volunteers. There are opportunities to…

  • Prepare a dessert and bring to the meal
  • Shop for groceries/supplies
  • Set tables before the meal
  • Cook the meal (no experience needed)
  • Serve the meal
  • Clean-up after the meal

Volunteer sign-up sheets are in the back of the church two weeks prior to the meal.

Lakewood Community Services Center

The Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC) was founded more than 25  years ago by a number of Lakewood congregations to coordinate both emergency assistance and longer term support to those in need of food, clothing, housing, social services, and job assistance. The LCSC welcomes volunteers and contributions of food and clothing. St. Peter’s provides financial assistance, volunteers, and donations of food and clothing.

Outreach Focus of the Month

Each month, we designate a local, national, or international ministry as our “Outreach Partner of the Month.”   Usually, members of the parish are already involved somehow in the selected ministry. We educate ourselves about the work of the ministry, invite representatives to come and speak about it, and distribute literature.

During each Sunday service, the ushers pass the offering basins to collect pledges and other monetary gifts of the people. All loose cash and coins placed in the offering basins not designated for church or other specific use is immediately donated to the Outreach Partner of that month.

Lakewood Community Services Center

The Lakewood Community Services Center (LCSC) was founded more than 25  years ago by a number of Lakewood congregations to coordinate both emergency assistance and longer term support to those in need of food, clothing, housing, social services, and job assistance. The LCSC welcomes volunteers and contributions of food and clothing. St. Peter’s provides financial assistance, volunteers, and donations of food and clothing.